Soojustagastus lahendused - Elister

Heat recovery solutions

Our company offers innovative heat recovery systems that help businesses to recover wasted energy and convert it into a valuable heat source. Our solutions focus on two main areas:

1.Recovery of thermal energy from screw compressors

Our systems effectively capture the heat energy generated by the operation of screw compressors by cooling the oil. This wasted heat is converted into hot water that can be used for various heating needs or to heat domestic hot water.

2.Recovery of heat energy from furnace exhaust air

Our solutions are able to capture the energy of the hot air coming out of the furnaces and convert it into hot water as well. This is ideal for both domestic hot water and heating systems, ensuring optimum energy efficiency and cost savings.

Areas concerned

Soojusenergia tagastusseade kompressoritele

Heat energy recovery unit for compressors

Our compressor heat recovery system is an innovative solution that allows you to make maximum and highly efficient use of the heat energy generated by your compressor. The compressor generates approximately 80% of heat energy in its operating cycle, which is normally dissipated through the cooling radiator. Our system reverses this approach by directing the valuable thermal energy to a heat recovery unit instead. During the compressor's operation, the oil in the screw system heats up to 120°C. This is the heat recovery process. Our unit uses [...]

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