Aspiratsioonisüsteemid - Page 2 of 2 - Elister

Aspiration systems

The nature of the wood industry generates a wide range of waste, from chips and sawdust to fine sanding dust. Efficient collection and smart recycling of this residual material not only helps to keep the production area clean and safe, but is also part of any well-managed company's sustainability strategy.

Aspiration systems have become one of the most important components of the wood industry. Our services cover the entire spectrum - from system design and sales to installation - providing solutions that are not only efficient but also equipped with state-of-the-art automation. Our range includes systems with both hand filters and cartridge filters that can meet any production need and optimise dust handling in your production processes.

We have a range of equipment from a number of manufacturers, designed to handle waste using a variety of operating principles. Whatever your needs, we can help you find the optimum equipment to meet the requirements of your production process and ensure more efficient waste management.

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Aspiratsiooni süsteemid

Aspiration systems

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