Keevitusventilatsioon "Push-Pull" meetodil - Elister

Welded ventilation using the "Push-Pull" method


Metal production company





As part of this project, we visited a metalworking company in Saue. The company employs two welders on a daily basis, with a third mobile job being added from time to time. The customer's concern was the blue welding fumes in the production hall and the need for a welding ventilation solution.


Finding the right technology and installation solution for welding fume filtration.

  • Provide a welding filter in a suitable air circulation capacity
  • Carry out the installation drawing on the pipework
  • Execution of works


As welding was mostly done in just one end of the hall, but the use of welding bits was not possible there due to the large parts and the crane that was constantly in use, the only way out was the Push-Pull solution. As the building would later be equipped with a crane, and as it was a relatively high production area, we decided to supply filtered air from the floor and to exhaust the flue gas from the workplace under the ceiling.

  • GRAM with welding cartridge FL series filter
  • 3D piping installation drawing
  • Installation

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