Lisako tootmishalli keevitusventilatsioon sai uuendatud - Elister

Welding ventilation in Lisako production hall renewed


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BMF (OÜ Lisako) started its activities in 2001 and their wide range of products covers the needs of very different customers - from hobby farmers to forestry professionals. 

BMF is one of Europe's largest manufacturers of forestry trailers, whose success is based on high-quality products designed in accordance with Estonia's long forestry tradition.


Improve the quality and safety of the welding environment by optimising the existing ventilation system.

The client's previous solution, a "Push-Pull" ventilation system, was inefficient and needed to be revised - despite the system's existence, it did not clean the air in the plant.

There was a complete lack of stimulation in the robotic area, which led to a decline in the quality of the working environment.


We installed special cubes in the robot work areas to completely cover the area of the working robot. This ensures that fumes from the welding process are effectively removed. As cantilever cranes are actively used in the work, we could not use slats or curtains on the cubes, which would have further improved the result.

In addition, we equipped the robotic system with pressure control, which ensures that the alarm is only active when the robots are working and on an as-needed basis. This not only increases efficiency, but also helps to save energy costs.

On the existing "Push-Pull" system, we found that the system piping had been incorrectly calculated, which meant that the system was not working properly. We carried out a major rebuild of the system, including a redesign of the piping, which resulted in the system functioning correctly.

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