AQ Lasertool OÜ is a company belonging to the Swedish AQ Group, which has 5 factories in Estonia, two of which are located in Pärnu, two in Jüri and one in Viimsi.
In 2021 we started negotiations AQ Laser chair with the representatives of the Viimsi factory that the baking oven in the powder coating line needed to be renewed and modernised. As this was already a major undertaking, an additional requirement was to increase production capacity, which in summary meant a larger oven and a longer conveyor line.
After some calculations and presentations of the ideas, another nuance emerged - the time for the work, which would normally take up to five weeks, we got a maximum of two weeks. This time also included taking down the old system, laying the foundations.
After negotiating with the installation team, we were ready to take on the challenge and complete the job in two weeks, which meant about 20 hour days (two shifts) and 14 days of consecutive work. The cherry on the cake was the installation period of Midsummer 2022, which shortened the time by another day.
In June 2022, the first machines arrived and we were ready for work, followed by 12 long days of shift work. The only days in between were a day of floor work and Midsummer Day.
To sum up, we are proud to say that we were able to resolve the situation and the client is already working with a significantly increased workload. It must have been a "Rally" 🙂 🙂