Õlikogumise süsteemid - Elister

Oil collection systems

In today's production, there are many machines that require cooling or lubrication in their process, and are in turn aerated by the exhaust. Often, however, the problem is that the sprayed liquids can fly or get into the exhaust system (filters, piping, etc.).

Areas concerned

OUPC series liquid separators

Compact multi-stage filter for cooling lubricants for direct installation on processing machines. For filtration of oil mist, emulsion mist, minimum lubrication and oil mist. The filter's 4 separation stages ensure versatility of use. Degree of separation min. 99,95% from all cooling oil particles. Separated particles are reintroduced into the machine if necessary.

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OUF vedeliku separaator

OUF series liquid separator

Used for the separation of sprayed liquid from processing equipment using cooling lubricants. Mounted directly on the machine to prevent the spray mist from entering the central pipeline. After separation of the sprayed liquid by the OUF device, the air must be filtered by a multi-stage sprayed liquid filter, e.g. of the OUK type, so that the sprayed liquid emission requirements are met.

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OUK series liquid separator

Separation in three stages: speed reduction, pre-separation in a grease filter and fine filtration in a compact filter F9 Options: HEPA filter (H13), activated carbon filter and minihelic differential pressure gauge (filter control device) Discharge valve for liquid ejection Filter change through front hatch Reversible feed (right/left) Top outlet Standard canister can be mounted on floor or wall with Gram Flexmountings Max. flow rate. Max. vacuum: 3,000 Pa Max. +25°C in exhausted air

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